Carbon Series – multi-species cropping, rotational grazing, bugs n brews
April 29, 2022VicNoTill is excited to bring farmers the Carbon Series, webinars that focus on soil carbon and provide practical steps to help you increase soil organic matter in your farming system.
Featuring three specialists in this regenerative, no-till farming system field, the webinars start on Friday April 29 and continue during May and June 2022. We’ve chosen to run them at 7am to fit in as best we can with your farming schedules.
The Carbon Series is supported by Wimmera CMA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Rotational grazing – 6 webinar series
Set yourself up for rotational grazing success with this series of 6 webinars with Graeme Hand that will take an in-depth approach, covering the theory but most importantly the practice of rotational grazing.
- Graeme Hand Webinar 1, Thursday May 12 @ 7am WATCH on YouTube
- Graeme Hand Webinar 2, Thursday May 19 @ 7am WATCH on YouTube
- Graeme Hand Webinar 3, Thursday May 26 @ 7am
- Graeme Hand Webinar 4, Thursday June 9 @ 7am
- Graeme Hand Webinar 5, Thursday June 16 @ 7am
- Graeme Hand Webinar 6, Thursday June 23 @ 7am
Graeme Hand is the founder of ‘Handfortheland’, one of Australia’s leading holistic land management and training consultancies. They use outcome based management and share science and field-proven practices to regenerate and sustain profitable farms, their families and communities. For the past 25 years Graeme Hand has been distilling, adapting and building on the findings and practices of eminent, globally respected practitioners and educators like Allan Savory, Holistic Management International Dave Snowden, and Doug McKenzie-Mohr, to create a training program that’s adaptable, easy to learn, outcome based, low risk and can reduce farm costs by up to 30%. The small team from Handfortheland are all practicing regenerative agriculture.
Bugs n Brews, Bioferments and Biostimulants
Learn how to make and use low-cost biofertilisers and bioferments using practical fermentation-based techniques with David Hardwick.
REGISTER Wednesday June 1 @ 7am
David Hardwick is a professional agroecologist. He has been doing soil and regenerative agriculture extension and consulting all over Australia for nearly 20 years. He completed a degree in Ecological Agriculture at the University of Sydney with focus on regenerative and organic farming systems, land management and rural change. David has worked in the conventional, organic and regenerative sectors and across grazing, horticulture, dairying and cropping systems. For the last 10 years he has been teaching farmers and graziers how to read soil tests using fun and practical activities as part of his highly successful Digging Deeper Soils Courses. In 2020 he has started teaching soils online! Check out one of his Vic No Till videos here!
Cover cropping and multi-species mixes – 2 webinar series
- Jade Killoran Webinar 1 WATCH HERE
Do you have questions about cover cropping and multi-species mixes? This is the first of 2 webinars that focus on this topic.
Hear from leading Wimmera farmers Tara Hindson from the West Wimmera and Zoe Crouch from Landsborough on the edge of the Wimmera and Pyrenees Ranges, who share their experiences in integrating cover crops and multi-species pastures into their mixed farming systems. They talk about the benefits and the challenges, giving you a hands-on and honest insight into making changes to your system for build more carbon in your soils.about their cover cropping and multi-species pastures, plus a quick session on how to get started on your farm.
- Jade Killoran is the founder of ‘Healthy Farming Systems’ and is an independent cover crop advisor and researcher, helping farmers trial, adopt, and manage multispecies cover crops on-farm. Jade completed a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 2013 focusing her Honours year on multi-species cover cropping in the Victorian high rainfall zone. After graduating, Jade worked for Southern Farming Systems as a research and extension officer and at AGF Seeds as a cover cropping researcher and sales manager. Jade has a strong background in paddock scale research and is extremely passionate about cover crops. She likes nothing better than to be out and about on-farm, helping farmers and evaluating the success of cover crop adoption on farming systems.
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